
Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Here is one of the two Bombardier Super-Scoopers that visited here a couple of months ago.  I did a high-pass sharpening on the image.  I selected a high shutter speed because I was only going to get one chance with hand held images at 360mm focal length.  It worked because virtually ever one of the 150 or so shots I took were pretty solid ... but it did stop the props.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Our two 50# poodles are sweet tempered and calm.  But when they "fang fence" they put on their war face and have at it.  The action is fast and furious and you would swear someone would get hurt from the sound of the snapping teeth.  But there is never any damage.  They run and wrestle and fight by the hour and then nap just as hard.  They even have games of "midnight basketball" and go out at 03:00 to turn on the infra-red triggered lights in the back yard and have a "scrimmage".  Characters.  +Heidi Anne Morris